There's quite a lot information about light intensity sensors, which is why I would like to reach out for your help.
The requirements I have for the light sensor are:
below 5€
should be calibrated in lux
I have thought about following approach:
Using photoresistors:
and for calibration, a lux meter:
What do you think about this method? Is it too time intensive? Are there maybe sensors that come calibrated off-the-shelf with I2C connection or even some analog off-the-shelf calibrated ones?
It all depends on how exactly accurately you want to measure the illuminance. Just yesterday I was experimenting with photo diodes (DE192H) connected as shown in the attached image.
They seemed to work quite well. And it is simply a photo diode and a resistor connected to an analog input of the Arduino with 10 bit resolution.
They'd need to be calibrated, so you'll need to borrow a lux meter to work out a conversion factor and see how linear they are.
Definitely under $5 though!
I've seen however that the BH1750 costs about 3$ each, so also well within your price range.
For me, I haven't got much space so the photo diode and resistor is ideal for me.