Hi guys, I am mainly using load cell, HX711, potentiometer and lcd keypad shield to make a simple snack monitor project.
After confirming the amount to eat by using potentiometer and pressing the button on the keypad shield, I hope the text displayed will be changed to the warning "Stop eating" as long as the reading from load cell falls below my threshold (food weight - amount to eat).
However, I found the programme never went into that if else statement that changes the text but I don't know what to do with it. The real-time reading of the current food weight is finely displayed on the lcd keypad shield, so I am wondering if load cell is able to detect a change or the readings should be averaged out to be more stable?
I've attached my code here and please help me with it I am really desperate right now. Thank you so much for the help.
v3.ino (3.59 KB)