Looking for a reliable GPS module

Hey guys, I need to record a flight pattern with a GPS module, so the object is in motion while recording. Previously I was trying to use the NEO6MV2 module, but that deemed to be quite unreliable. I couldn't find satellite fix for several hours. Also, its missoldered, cause in order for it to work I have to connect the GPS module's RX pin to my Arduino's RX pin, and the same with the TX pins.

What are your experiences? Do you have any recommendations?

Thanks in advance!

That length of fix suggests a faulty GPS or GPS antenna.

Where was the GPS located when it took several hours to get a fix ?

Initially I was trying it in my room, but then I took it outside for around 30 minutes. After that didn't work, I brought it in and placed it next to a window for an hour, and It still didn't get any satellite fix. From time-to-time it was able to lock on to one satellite, but it quickly lost the connection for that, and went back from oscillating between 0 and 1 satellite fix.
I'm gonna try one more time today outside, but I doubt that I'll get a different outcome.

The weather was not favoring the situation, it was foggy and cloudy, but as I read, that shouldn't really affect GPS strenght. And my phone was able to lock on to my location without an issue.

Exactly which controller are You using? I use a NEO6M and it works perfectly.
Connecting Rx to Rx, Tx to Tx, is wrong and gives no fix.
The NEO6M uses 3.3 volt logic so don't connect any 5 volt controller Tx to the NEO6M.

I'm not really familiar with the term "controller" in this case, all I know is the module is called "NEO6MV 2" and I use the factory antenna which is roughly the same size as the module itself.
When I was trying to connect it the right way, I wasn't even receiving the NMEA strings through the serial monitor.

Arduinos are micro controllers.
Exactly which Arduino are You using?
Please post a little schematics showing the wiring between the Arduino and the GPS. Pen and paper is fine. Remember the pin names.

There have been quite a few reports on here about NEO6Ms that apepar to have faulty antennas, maybe these are cheap clones from the far East ?

I have also spotted GPSs that have the pins labeled in the sense of the pin they are to be connected to on the Arduino rater than the function of the pin on the GPS.

Nothing wrong with a geniune NEO6M, they are 'reliable' although some of the more modern Ublox GPSs are a bit quicker and can use a lot less power.

Ah I get it, the main controller for the build will be an ESP32 Wroom 32 that I'm programming with the Arduino IDE software.

(Using UART2 cause UART0 is shared between the USB)
As I meantioned, the wiring on the GPS is wrong, but this is the only configuration that I can get serial data off the thing.
At the moment I'm trying to make it work with an Arduino Mega 2560 but it doesn't want to cooperate.

Probably, this wasn't the most expensive NEO6 on the market at all, it was around 8 euros, so probably a clone.

had no problems with NEO6MV2 module - even inside the house picks up valid NMEA data after a couple of minutes
for example have a look at post geo-gps-6m-v2-issue

Edit: the following works on an ESP32 NodeMCU

// ESP32  Serial1 to GPS_GY-NEO6MV2 NEO-6M module

// GPS VCC to ESP32  3.3V
// GPS RX to ESP32 ESP32 G15
// GPS TX to ESP32 G16

#define RXD1 16
#define TXD1 15

void setup() {
  // initialize both serial ports:
  Serial1.begin(9600, SERIAL_8N1, RXD1, TXD1);
  Serial.println("ESP32 serial1 GPS test Rx pin 16 Tx pin 15");

void loop() {
  // read from port 1, send to port 0:
  if (Serial1.available()) {
    int inByte = Serial1.read();

  // read from port 0, send to port 1:
  if (Serial.available()) {
    int inByte = Serial.read();

on powerup displays

ESP32 serial1 GPS test Rx pin 16 Tx pin 15

Be aware that GPSs that use one of those tiny u.fl sockets to connect an antenna and that has a very thin bit of co-ax, are not very durable at all and wont take a lot of handling.

The Mega is a 5 volt logic device. Don't connect any 5 volt output to the GPS without using a level shifter. GPS transmitter pin to Mega Rx is okey but not Mega Tx to GPS input pin.

I'm getting the same NMEA sentences with this code as before
But thanks for sharing it!


Ahh got it, that makes perfect sense, I switched back to my ESP and now I receive NMEA sentences

Okay guys, I gave up on trying to make this module work. What are your recommendations for a replacement?

@zolix88 Before you go, this is a perhaps silly question. I note in several places a comment that the antenna must be oriented correctly, "ceramic up". You haven't by any chance been ignoring this? To be clear, I don't have one of these modules, but I figure if a seller bothers to put something like that on their sales page, they've seen a problem.
Good luck!

Buy the GPS from a trustworthy seller, ot Ebay & Co. Adafruit maybe, Github..

I use the Beitian BN220 in my model airplanes.

To be frank, I was completely ignoring that till this point. Sometimes it was metal up, other times ceramic up. Now I'm trying to get a fix with ceramic up but it's not looking good.

Thanks for the recommendation, I looked it up and it looks quite good actually, from which webside did you order them?