Looking For an Electronic Switch

I'm connecting a fan and board but I can't connect the fan to the board so I wanted to use an electronic switch to control the connection so when I send a signal from the board using a pin the fan turns on, but I don't know what type of switch to use.

For more info I'm using the MKR WIFI 1010 Arduino board

and the MKR Connector Carrier.

I was recommended a magnetic switch but I wasn't sure if it was applicable.

The fan is a GDSTIME 8015 5V DC Brushless Cooling Fan for Computer Case PC CPU, Sleeve Bearing, with XH2.54 Plug (https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B07STR8Y8W/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1)

Welcome! Sorry there is not enough information to begin to answer your question. I 'm connecting a fan (sorry I cannot see the fan so I do not have a clue as to what it is). The board, (I have hundreds in my lab which one is this)? I can't connect the fan to the board so I wanted to use an electronic switch (what switch, what voltage, etc)? To control the connection (How is this supposed to happen?) When I send a signal from the board the fan turns on, but I don't know what type of switch to use, neither do we. Volts, Links to technical information, a preliminary electronic draw showing how this goes together for starters would help.

Thanks, I updated my question.

An electronic switch is commonly called a relay. Get a 5 volt relay module and use it to turn the fan on and off. Many code examples are available.


If you plan on using PWM to control the fan be sure to get a solid state relay, a mechanical relay module will not work. Also be sure the solid state relay will work with DC, there are many AC only ones out there.

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