Looking for voice recognition solution

Hi all.
I am planning to do some voice recognition testing, searched that lot of projects done by
Voice Recognition Module V2/V3, unit and library.

The VoiceRecognitionV2.h is based on SoftwareSerial.h which is not my like.
are there any voice recognition solution other than VoiceRecognitionV3.h ?

or offline voice recognition board and library?


Hi @shanren

Of course it is possible to change that to hardware serial. How much effort this will be highly depends on the library and the demo-code that you have looked at.

you are long enough on this forum that you know that you have to follow the common rules of the
how to get the best out of this forum for getting quick answers.

If you prefer to play the endless ping-pong game of
posting short and quick asking back
posting short and quick asking back
posting short and quick asking back
posting short and quick asking back
posting short and quick asking back
posting short and quick asking back
posting short and quick asking back

I am out.

You should post this demo-code so that experienced users can say how much effort the change to a hardware serial will be.

And it would be a good idea if you would describe in detail what you want the voice-recognition to do.

If you are expecting that you can dictate any kind of text spoken by any kind of person with any kind of voice the computational power of a micro-controller is much to small to do that.

best regards Stefan

The OP posts a new thread like this every couple of days. Very sad.


have you ever looked up if

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have channels for arduino-questions?

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these are my questions I asked, where came:

[quote="StefanL38, post:2, topic:1183571"]
Of course it is possible to change that to hardware serial.
[/quote] ?
why I need to change it into hardware?

why you need the demo code? which one?

I'll check them more.

I'm out

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