Hi,i am a bit new to this whole arduino world but i have a small previous C# coding experience,i've just received my arduino Starter Kit and started building project 3,then i decided try creating a sketch that reads the temperature and elaboretes an average temperature with this code:
const int termoPin = A5;
float totVal = 0;
//int tot_i = 1;
//int i = 0;
void setup() {
void loop() {
int tot_i = 1; //max array value number counter
int i = 0; //array reference counter
for(int l = 0;l < 10000;l++) { //reset to avoid "cloging" the average temperature value
int termoVal[tot_i];
float voltage[tot_i];
float temp[tot_i];
termoVal[i] = analogRead(termoPin);
voltage[i] = (termoVal[i] / 1024.0) * 5.0; //conversion from analog valute to voltage
temp[i] = (voltage[i] - 0.47) * 100; //conversion from voltage to temperature in celsius
totVal = temp[i] + totVal;
float totMedia = totVal / i; //average temperature
After i start running the sketch trough my Arduino Uno R3 connected to the sensor it sarts creating the average temperature with a good accuracy,but when the loop reaches the value 171 it suddently restart (without printing the sentence "Cleared").
Each level of those 3 arrays needs 10 bytes (2 floats - 4 bytes each and 1 int - 2 bytes)
Your code attempts to create 10000 levels of each array which would need 100000 bytes of storage
Even if the Uno had that much memory your sketch repeatedly declares the 3 arrays in the for loop thus overwriting any values that have already been written to them
Start by explaining what you are trying to do with the sketch and there may be an approach that allows you to use the Uno
After reading your previous answer after a hot shower I had an Eureka,so basically I was creating and storing many arrays instead of just changing the value of the valuable one.Thank you so much for your help.
You are creating new arrays with the same names as previous ones thus losing previously stored values until the new arrays are too big to fit in the memory available
const int termoPin = A5;
int i;
int termoVal;
float totVal;
float temp;
void setup() {
void loop() {
i = 0;
temp = 0;
termoVal = 0;
totVal = 0;
for (int l = 0; l < 10000; l++) { //reset per non "intasare" la media in caso di cambio di temperatura
termoVal = analogRead(termoPin);
temp = (((termoVal / 1024.0) * 5.0 - 0.484) * 100); //conversione da valore analogico a voltaggio
totVal = temp + totVal;
float totMedia = totVal / i; //media basata sul numero di cicli
for (int p = 0; p <= 100; p++) {
Thank for your help and i will apreciate further suggestion.
I used it in testing phase to create an easy solution to see when the loop restarts, it's basically useless and I will take it out after some more smaller improvements.
The averaged value is printed only once every 500 milliseconds
The code waits for a button-press of a button that is connected between IO-pin 4 and GND
const byte termoPin = A5;
int i;
int termoVal;
float totVal;
float temp;
const byte myButtonPin = 4;
void setup() {
void loop() {
Serial.println("Starting measuring......");
i = 0;
temp = 0;
termoVal = 0;
totVal = 0;
for (int l = 0; l < 10000; l++) { //reset per non "intasare" la media in caso di cambio di temperatura
termoVal = analogRead(termoPin);
temp = (((termoVal / 1024.0) * 5.0 - 0.484) * 100); //conversione da valore analogico a voltaggio
totVal = temp + totVal;
float totMedia = totVal / i; //media basata sul numero di cicli
// only once every 500 milliseconds print i and totMedia
if (millis() % 500 == 0) {
Serial.print(" totMedia=");
Serial.println("press button to start new averaging");
while (digitalRead(myButtonPin) == HIGH) {
// keep looping this while-loop until button is pressed
// digitalRead(myButtonPin) results in LOW when the button is pressed
It's the counter for the number of temperatures registered,it starts by the value of 0 and grows of 1 by any cycles,so I can also use it for the average formula as the total number to divide with.