Can anyone help me make connection to arduino pro mini 3.3v to lora ra 02 ?
My connection is as follows :
Arduino ------ Ra 02(Lora)
D2 ---------- DIO0
D7 ---------- DIO1
D8 ---------- DIO2
D10 -------- NSS
D11 -------- MOSI
D12 -------- MISO
D13 -------- SCK
A0 ---------- RST
and out of the three ground connection I have connected two of them. But the arduino and the cp2102 is getting disconnected and reconnecting
are planning to use the LoRaWAN protocol to The Things TTN V3 server or LoRa point-to-point?
if LoRa point to point use the Arduino LoRa library
you connect the SPI pins MOSI D11, MISO D12, SCK D13
you then need to specify the parameters for setpins(), e.g.
void setPins(int ss = LORA_DEFAULT_SS_PIN, int reset = LORA_DEFAULT_RESET_PIN, int dio0 = LORA_DEFAULT_DIO0_PIN);
I tend to use NSS pin 10 Reset D9 and DIO0 D2 so
LoRa.setPins(10, 9, 2);
but can replace the pin settings as in post 1
if using LoRaWAN with the LMIC library I use the following settings
const lmic_pinmap lmic_pins = {
.nss = 10,
.rst = 9,
.dio = {2, 6, LMIC_UNUSED_PIN},
where DIO0 is D2, DIO1 is D6
For Now I am planning to create an point to point communication as I am not well versed in Things TTN server. Also the disconnecting and reconnecting issue was solved. It was due to the high voltage from the cp2102 usb to ttl module. I jut used an 3.7 volt li-ion battery(18650) as an external power supply and it started working. the usb to ttl was giving 4.1v output from 3.3v port.
is everything working OK now? if not upload your code for the transmitter and receiver
yes. Thank you very much.
This is the sender :
This is the Receiver :
The range of the device is not very far though give or take 200 meters on the generic example of P2P connection from the LORA library by Sandeep Mistry. The range issue might probably solved if Increase the SF and bandwidth in the code .
Increasing the bandwidth will reduce the range\distance.
what is the environment? countryside, urban, etc any walls or trees in the way?
correct position and height of the antennas can help
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