Most GPS+ compass modules on the market designed to work with APM or naze32 , use Vcc=3.3V for powering compass and Vcc=5V for the GPS, for instance this one i bought recently ... EBIDX%3AIT
but i can't find more information which i need if i want to use the device with a raspberry:
- does Vcc=3.3V for the compass mean that the I2C signals on SDA and SCL are also on 3.3 Volts levels allowing a direct connection to Pi ?
- does 5V on the GPS Vcc mean that Rx and Tx are also on 5V levels ? if yes is it possible to use 3.3V rather than 5V on GPS Vcc (some other similar devices can work with any input voltage between 3.3 and 5V), and if yes, will the Rx and Tx signal levels also scale with Vcc: e.g if Vcc=3.3V, Tx of GPS will also have 3.3V levels so i can use it directly on Pi without any level converter ?
thank you in advance for helpfull advices and comments