Hi! i'm new with all this Arduino.
I have a new Arduino UNO board from my Started Kit and I tried to upload the first Blink Example and I can't.
I checked ports detected and I can't find any Arduino detected.
Can you help me, please?!
Hi! i'm new with all this Arduino.
I have a new Arduino UNO board from my Started Kit and I tried to upload the first Blink Example and I can't.
I checked ports detected and I can't find any Arduino detected.
Can you help me, please?!
is it a real UNO or a clone?
which Mac?
Yes, it's a real UNO and my Mac is a MacBook Pro (2020 year)
are you using a USB C cable or some sort of adapter? do you have a powered USB hub in between the Arduino and the Mac?
I'm using an adapter (apple official adapter). I use to plug other devices on it and it works properly. Should I buy an usb b to usb c cable?
if you use a genuine adapter like this
have you tried a different cable?
I'm using both this adapter or a real USB C to USB B when I'm on the go and they both work seamlessly. I tend to use a separate powered USB hub just to protect my Mac from power mistakes though when at home.
OK I have this one too and it does work in a similar way.
have you tried the other USB C port on your Mac?
the cable I have is from UGREEN and works fine
if you have access to another computer, it would be interesting to see if the UNO is detected upon plug-in with the cable you have.
Open up a terminal window and with your Arduino connected type:-
ls /dev/tty.usb*
if it responds with something like
Then your Mac is seeing your Arduino.
To double check then unplug your Arduino and try again and you should get a report saying nothing was found.
I am using the very same adaptor as you posted in reply #7 and running Monterey V12.5.1
Hey Grumpy! Your solution worked! Thank you!!
if the IDE is seeing the Arduino now it probably means the cable was not plugged in well when you first tried as the UNIX command just lists the visible devices and does not do anything to fix the situation.
You might have a flaky cable
Wasn't a solution, as such, actually it was just a test to see if it was working.
After I tried the test I tried connecting an Arduino to my iMac and it showed up. I don't actually use my iMac for programming Arduinos.
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