Making an ESP8266 as wifi extender (repeater)

Hello falks,

I have a problem. I wanna make my ESP8266 as an wifi range extender. I know, that there is a guy who wrote a code for using it as a Repeater:

But it does not fit to my needs. I have googled, and found this threat:

does anyone has a simple code for it ?

So what are your needs?

I want use my own code. it should be simple. The man (martin-ger) has made a firmware which I can not edit. The files are written in non-text-code.

and yet

So that would be someone else's code - not yours?

What makes you think that?

It's going to require a good understanding of IP networking and WiFi ...

in other words: it does not worth it :smiley:

That's up to you - whether you consider it worth your while to gain that knowledge & understanding.

Many (most?) projects proposed on here are not "worth it" on a purely financial basis - there's generally a commercial product available cheaper.

But where's the fun in that?


Why do you want a wifi ‘extender’ ?

Generally speaking these are not a great idea, they slow your data throughput, double you RF channel usage and don’t add much, other than an extra power supply.

Because the ESP8266 has a poor signal range. I have testes the signal strength of the ESP07s. It is huge. Afters 100 meters, I still could watch YoutubeVideos.

the other reason why I don't want to use the "ready-to-go" code from "martin-ger" is: there is no free space allowed on the SSID. Like this:

"MySSID" <-- this is allowed
"My new ssid" <-- this is not allowed

So is there really no way to bridge the ESP8266 conenctions ? please :smiley:

Wait a minute: I can use the ESP07 instead of ESP-12E ... okay falks, I do not need a repeater anymore :smiley:

The ESP-12E has a very poor signal range
The ESP-07S though, has a very very good range (if you connect the external antenna)

Spaces in an SSID are anyway not allowed, nor are passwords shorter than 8 characters.

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