Hello everybody
I have actually a motorbike with carburetors from 1992 that is control by an old electronic "ECU" that basically control the spark advance according to the RPM.
I would like to replace this ECU with an homemade system that can be configurable.
First I would like to give some Specifications :
- the all system is working in 12V so I need to find a solution to go from 12v to 5V in entry and from 5v to 12V in exit
- the reaction time of the system has to be maximum 1ms
- I have an hall effect sensor on the bike that give me the RPM but the analogic signal is growing up with the RPM from -8V/+8V at 1000RPM to -34V/+34V at 6000RPM (this sensor could be replace)
- I need to control "Old style" coil that need a square signal to control them.
- According to the RPM and the position of the Engine I need to control the exact moment of spark in the cylinder
The system is simple in theory but I need some help to resolved the problem of 12v to 5v and to know if it can be fast enough to control the spark advance.
(Entry) RPM and Engine position -> ARDUINO -> Signal for coil activation (Exit)
I have the RPM and Engine position with the same sensor by 1 long teeth follow by 3 Small.
Thank you for your help and sorry for my bad English
Are you planning to build a complete replacement system and THEN test it, or are you planning to build a parallel system and then test the new system, or are you planning to build a replacement single component at a time and test while being able to go back to the old component if necessary?
Please describe you complete plan for this project.
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On one side I will simulate the CODE on some simulator if possible or by trying to reproduce the signal of the old component.
The problem is about the physical delay I will get and the real analogic signal will have on the bike. I can test the entry and the Exit independently out of the engine. So trying to get RPM and Engine position first, then trying to make a spark with the spark system of the motorbike and then I will test it on an old motor with 2 cylinders. If it work I would like to use it on a 4 cylinder engine.
This sounds like a fun project, but I have my doubts about whether you have the necessary resources or tools to accomplish it. Projects of this nature are typically carried out by a team of engineers, technicians, and other specialists.
What is the background of your team? How many members have experience in electronics engineering, programming, etc.?
Take care of the delay by adjusting the timing signal start.
I am not making this tool to sell it or anything. I am a WorldSuperbike Engineer so I know pretty well all of the parameter, the problems and the details of this project. If I can't do it with an arduino I will try with something else. But my goal is to make it cheap because I make it only for fun. I have register on the motorbike the signals I need to analyse and create, about the code I am not worry at all but my first problem is about the feasibility of this project with an arduino
This I know but I am scared the delay will be longer than the time between 2 signals start
Which Arduino are you considering?