Max number of TLC5947


im looking to start a project with a lot of LED's 558 to be exact i know a lot. i saw these TLC5947 IC's and saw that you can daisy chain them. im using an arduino mega and was wondering if anyone knew the max number i could chain.

Thank you

Theoretically there isn't a a limit but you'll probably get problems like bus length and the like or a limitation to low speeds.

Today for large numbers of LEDs often LEDs with integrated controllers are used (p.e. Neopixel). Doesn't that fit your needs or is there another limitation why you can't use them?

Look at the first page here: TLC5947 pdf, TLC5947 Description, TLC5947 Datasheet, TLC5947 view ::: ALLDATASHEET :::

The controller will at some point need a driver for those 3 signals being connected to every register.

I should be at least dozens, perhaps hundreds of such drivers in every daisy chain.
Similar drivers are used in RGB LED matrix panels, which supports the chaining of the dozens of matrices

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