In this one I2C EEPROM - 256k Bit (24LC256) - COM-00525 - SparkFun Electronics.
I looked in that datasheet and didn't find anything, probably because it's too long.
Does anyone know?
1,000,000 erase/write cycles
It's on page 1.
Oh >_<
So 1 Million eh? Thanks
1000000 minimum typical, I dunno if anyone's tested that though
Sudo make me a
Sudo make me a
Brilliant quote though.
A question for you, how do you have a constantly changing picture for your profile image, is it some kind of php script on another site?
do you have a constantly changing picture for your profile image
Animated GIF perhaps.
No, I know that but his animated gif changes each time you refresh the page. According to the properties it is linked to an extenrnal php script.
It's a PHP script that serves a different (presumably randomly chosen) image each time it runs. The trick is to put the correct headers in the response so the image isn't cached (or the cache time is short).
Yeah, can 'he' provide any further info? Or will I just have to have a play and try to work it out?
If ReCreate is in the US, he's probably indisposed with Thanksgiving.
It looks like I have it backwards. If no headers are included, the file is not cached. I built a PHP application that does something similar (serves randomly selected images). Returning an image boils down to this...
header( "Content-type: image/jpeg" );
@readfile( $ImagePath );
...where $ImagePath is... I'll let you guess.