Has anyone used one of these clever UART to USB chips ?
I’ve studied the data sheet, that eludes to being able to set the “name “ that appears in device manager on a PC ( I’m not sure what the proper name is -PID , VID ??? !) when you plug in .
I’m looking for a way to customise this , but unsure if that’s possible .
Adafruit has a good guide to use them, and a Python library that works on a PC to interface with various chips, at least via I2C. I was able to download images onto the PC from the I2C MLX90640 thermal sensor, for example. I haven't used the UART functionality.
Yea I have it working no problem , but just looking to do the naming and can’t see how to do that
The PID and VID are assigned by USB IF. I don't know how hard it is for a hobbyist to get them. Is your intent to mimic some particular product? If so, you could look up their IDs and use those.
The PID and vid are accessible in the chip but are just numbers , , but I’d like something of ny own like HamUSB or whatever - but don’t know how this stuff works !
Looking at the datasheet, page 32, table 3-11, function value 0x03 of the Write Flash Data command (0xB1):
Write USB Product Descriptor String – writes the USB Product String Descriptor used during the USB enumeration
Does that sound like what you're looking for?
Yes it does , I’ll have a closer look . Must have missed that !
Thank you .
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