MCP2515 Trouble

Hello i have a Problem:

i want to use the mcp2515 with the arduino-mcp2515-master lib. I use the ILI9488 Display over SPI together with the MCP2515 over SPI on the SAME BUS, with the XIAO ESP32 S3. The Display works, but the MCP2515 dont work. When i use the ESP32 Dev Module it works. The lib use GPIO 2 fpr the INT pin. I habe to declare in the lib "D2" not just "2". somebody knows where i can do this ? i still dont find a solution for my problem.

Each CS line i declared in the Code correct and used the function "digitalWrite(CS_MCP2515, LOW
digitalWrite(CS_ILI9488, HIGH)" to get access here in this case for the MCP2515, pull the CS line to low to activate it.

SPI Speed:

ILI9488 = 27Mhz
MCP2515 = 10 Mhz Its a Problem ?
Thank YOU.

Please explain, you are using the same bus wiring for SPI and CanBus protocols?

Tom... :grinning: :+1: :coffee: :australia:

Posting an annotated schematic as requested earlier would explain a lot of what you are trying to say.

@michael39ggt, do not hijack. Thread split.

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