I am having trouble getting 4 MFRC522 readers over CAT6 cable. The program is from Alastair's PlayfulTech on patreon. (https://www.patreon.com/posts/object-placement-15708301). However the RFID is not working over CAT6 cable (even over a short cable).
Has anyone gotten MRFC522 to work over CAT6 twisted pair before? Any suggestions?
The Cable is terminated in standard B format (Orange-White/Orange/Green-White/Blue/Blue-White/Green/Brown-White/Brown. Is that not what you are referring to. Then Pin one (orange-white) goes to GND, Pin two (orange) goes to 3.3V and so on.
Yes, I put the cable through my normal tester and certifier, the MFRC522 does light the red led. But appears to initalize, but will not send any card data.
Ok. Are you pairing each SPI signal line with a ground wire to make the correct twisted pair? Are taking care of the difference between the 5 volts on the mega pins and the 3.3 volts on the MRF pins?
@Paul_KD7HB, I am not certain how I would go about that. At present, the wiring is this:
Orange-White - 3.3V
Orange - RST
Green-White - GND
Blue - IRQ (not used)
Blue-White - MISO
Green - MOSI
Brown-White - SCK
Brown - SDA
The actual choice of colour for each signal is irrelevant and which 2 whites are ground and which 2 are 3V3 is also irrelevant. Probably should have 0μ1 ceramic capacitor at each end between ground and 3V3.
Lowering the clock frequency will also increase your chances of success.
I don't promise this will work but it's worth trying. As far as signals are concerned supply voltage and ground are pretty much the same thing.