Wird hochgeladen: IMG_6654.jpeg …
ich habe ein Problem mit meinem Micro Maestro.
Und zwar läuft mein Servo Motor nicht. Angeschlossen ist alles wie im Bild zusehen.
/* This example shows how to control Maestro scripts with an
Arduino. It assumes you have an RC hobby servo connected on
channel 0 of your Maestro, and that you have already used the
Maestro Control Center software to verify that the servo is
powered correctly and moves when you command it to from the
Maestro Control Center software.
Before using this example, you should go to the Serial Settings
tab in the Maestro Control Center and apply these settings:
* Serial mode: UART, fixed baud rate
* Baud rate: 9600
* CRC disabled
Be sure to click "Apply Settings" after making any changes.
It also assumes you have connected your Arduino to your Maestro
appropriately. If you have not done so, please see
https://github.com/pololu/maestro-arduino for more details on how
to make the connection between your Arduino and your Maestro.
Also, the Maestro needs to have the script in the comment
below installed on it. */
# Maestro script for Script.ino Arduino library example.
# Copy into the Script tab of the Maestro Control Center and
# click Apply Settings.
# Don't do anything by default.
# Subroutine 0
sub alternate_mid_to_high
6000 0 servo
1000 delay
7000 0 servo
1000 delay
# Subroutine 1
# Expects the delay time to be on the top of the stack
sub alternate_mid_to_low
6000 0 servo
dup delay
5000 0 servo
dup delay
#include <PololuMaestro.h>
/* On boards with a hardware serial port available for use, use
that port to communicate with the Maestro. For other boards,
create a SoftwareSerial object using pin 10 to receive (RX) and
pin 11 to transmit (TX). */
#define maestroSerial SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE_OPEN
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial maestroSerial(18, 19);
/* Next, create a Maestro object using the serial port.
Uncomment one of MicroMaestro or MiniMaestro below depending
on which one you have. */
MicroMaestro maestro(maestroSerial);
//MiniMaestro maestro(maestroSerial);
void setup()
void loop()
/* Subroutine numbers can be found by clicking "View Compiled
Code..." on the Maestro Control Center script tab.
Restart script at subroutine 0. Subroutine 0 constantly
alternates the servo position from the neutral position to the
high end of the range. */
// Stop the running script.
/* Restart subroutine 1 with the value 2000 on the stack.
Subroutine 1 constantly alternates the servo position from the
neutral position to the low end of the range. In this case, The
parameter put on to the stack represents how long the delay is
between servo movements.*/
maestro.restartScriptWithParameter(1, 2000);
/* This example shows how to control Maestro scripts with an
Arduino. It assumes you have an RC hobby servo connected on
channel 0 of your Maestro, and that you have already used the
Maestro Control Center software to verify that the servo is
powered correctly and moves when you command it to from the
Maestro Control Center software.
Before using this example, you should go to the Serial Settings
tab in the Maestro Control Center and apply these settings:
* Serial mode: UART, fixed baud rate
* Baud rate: 9600
* CRC disabled
Be sure to click "Apply Settings" after making any changes.
It also assumes you have connected your Arduino to your Maestro
appropriately. If you have not done so, please see
https://github.com/pololu/maestro-arduino for more details on how
to make the connection between your Arduino and your Maestro.
Also, the Maestro needs to have the script in the comment
below installed on it. */
# Maestro script for Script.ino Arduino library example.
# Copy into the Script tab of the Maestro Control Center and
# click Apply Settings.
# Don't do anything by default.
# Subroutine 0
sub alternate_mid_to_high
6000 0 servo
1000 delay
7000 0 servo
1000 delay
# Subroutine 1
# Expects the delay time to be on the top of the stack
sub alternate_mid_to_low
6000 0 servo
dup delay
5000 0 servo
dup delay
#include <PololuMaestro.h>
/* On boards with a hardware serial port available for use, use
that port to communicate with the Maestro. For other boards,
create a SoftwareSerial object using pin 10 to receive (RX) and
pin 11 to transmit (TX). */
#define maestroSerial SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE_OPEN
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial maestroSerial(18, 19);
/* Next, create a Maestro object using the serial port.
Uncomment one of MicroMaestro or MiniMaestro below depending
on which one you have. */
MicroMaestro maestro(maestroSerial);
//MiniMaestro maestro(maestroSerial);
void setup()
void loop()
/* Subroutine numbers can be found by clicking "View Compiled
Code..." on the Maestro Control Center script tab.
Restart script at subroutine 0. Subroutine 0 constantly
alternates the servo position from the neutral position to the
high end of the range. */
// Stop the running script.
/* Restart subroutine 1 with the value 2000 on the stack.
Subroutine 1 constantly alternates the servo position from the
neutral position to the low end of the range. In this case, The
parameter put on to the stack represents how long the delay is
between servo movements.*/
maestro.restartScriptWithParameter(1, 2000);
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