I seem to be running into a problem when trying to open this page: https://docs.arduino.cc/micropython/ The page starts to load and I can see Micropython content for a moment, but then that content disappears and all that is visible is the teal arduino.cc header and footer with nothing between them. I inspected the page source, and the only tag between the header and footer
tags is . I get the same result with Chrome and Edge.
@LazarusPi This does not help you access the page that you want but the links are Arduino Micropython specific especially the Nano ESP32 so it may help you in some way.
Not so easy to navigate or as pleasant to read, but I think the content of those pages are available here in the .md files you find in the folders under these areas of the GitHub repository:
I went to the wayback link posted by @v205 and it seems to have the same bug -- it just takes longer to occur because Wayback is slow to load the page. I went back to May 21 and the bug seems to not be present.
The bug seems to be related to an onLoad javascript event.. using Disable Javascript plugin for Chrome lets me see the page, but half of the content is gone because it also uses javascript.
Does anyone know if arduino.cc web designers check this section of the forums, or is there a place to report website problems?