Midi daw controller

Hi all, so I want to embark on a project of creating a functional midi controller to control daw software. You know the type with encodes and faders etc.

A device that connects to a Pc/Mac via USB that send/receives midi data and keyboard commands.

My question is, is this something achievable via arduino. And if so any pointers on what boards i should buy.


I’ll respond to the subject...
“Welcome to the forum”

Then you can edit the subject, so people will know what you’re looking for.
... and YES, you can do what you’re looking for with an Arduino.

Hi, ok thanks. Is there a specific board etc I should buy?

I’d suggest ordering a MIDI interface, and while that’s shipping, spend some time getting familiar with examples and other elements,

Break the project into several smaller chunks... the user interface will probably be the hardest part. You can start working on that through the examples, switches, and eventually sliders/encoders etc.

While your getting under way, use Serial.print() to show what’s happening - before you add extra layers of complexity.

Probably worth reading about arrays, and millis() timing as you get started.

Ok, however these boards have midi ports on them. I dont want that. I need to send midi commands over USB.

You might be interested in my Control Surface library (or its predecessor the MIDI Controller library).

Check out this page on MIDI over USB.
I'd recommend a Teensy 3.x, but for small projects without displays, an Arduino Leonardo or Micro will do just fine as well.


I will be very interested in this I imagine. Once i get the ball rolling. Thinking about starting with a single fader for testing.

Thanks very much for this info.