MKR 485 Manual?

Is there a MKR 485 manual somewhere? All I can find is a schematic and a very brief tutorial. I would like to know what each of the screw terminals and microswitches are intended to do.

Have you found:

Thank you, yes I have. It has a schematic and a brief tutorial, but it just says “put the switches like this…”, but doesn’t explain why or what the other settings do. How do you set them for a 2 wire system ? 4 wire system? What if the remote device doesn’t have a ground connection? I’m also not clear on what the blue screw terminals are for. A manual would, in theory, answer these questions. It would perhaps provide a few wiring/switch examples.

EDIT: on second look, that has some new info that I don’t recall seeing. I’ll check it out.

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