I just purchased an MKR1000 (MR510PB) and can connect and program the board without problem. However, when I try to run any of the WiFi101 examples, it cannot connect. I have used my local ssid and pass.
I read that the board WiFi101 version must match the library, but mine does not. So, I tried to update the WiFi101 Firmware via the Arduino IDE Tools > WiFi101 Firmware Updater. However, both the Test Connection and the Update Firmware buttons return "Programmer not responding."
Is this a damaged board?
Thanks in advance, John
Chances are that it is NOT damaged.
Will ask this thread be moved to the MKR specific section for you...Wow that was quick of the mods !
OK in this section all your issues are actually dealt with in one form or another.
My Suggestion is that you read a few of the other threads as the information is often very helpful.
Thanks. I searched for a MKR1000 specific site, but couldn't find it. I will look at the posts now.
Its the section that says MKR Boards 
Ya never know what you can find with scrolling down a page.
Thanks! Have updated the Firmware now. to Model B (19.5.2)
And the wifi is connecting now. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
BTW, does the Search the Arduino Forum work? I searched, but it takes me to Google instead.
Yes it does work and yes it does jump to google but the results should all be from the Arduino forum.
I hate it myself as I am sure it could be replaced with something much better but it is all we have