MKRIoT not working without computer

Hi everyone. I upload the sketch on my Arduino IoT Carrier (connected to MKR WIFI 1010) from the computer and everything works. But, when I detach it and power it with a battery or through a wall USB cable, it seems that it doesn't load the code. The frontal LED starts, there's some sound and the display turn on, but then nothing. I have to use it in a gardenhouse, so I will power my Arduino only with USB cable. I use also this simple code.


#include<Arduino_MKRIoTCarrier.h> //libreria per far funzionare Arduino
MKRIoTCarrier carrier; //creo un oggetto virtuale che corrisponde all'Arduino fisico
float temperatura;
float umidita;
void setup() {
    CARRIER_CASE = false;

void loop() {
    temperatura = carrier.Env.readTemperature(); //leggo la temperatura dall'Arduino e salvo il valore nel nome temperatura
    umidita = carrier.Env.readHumidity(); //leggo la umidità dall'Arduino e salvo il valore nel nome umidita
    if(carrier.Buttons.onTouchDown(TOUCH0)){ //permette di scrivere sul display dell'Arduino il valore della temperatura
    if(carrier.Buttons.onTouchDown(TOUCH1)){ //permette di scrivere sul display dell'Arduino il valore dell'umidità

void printTemperature(){
      carrier.display.print("Temperatura = ");
      carrier.display.print(" C");

void printHumidity(){
      carrier.display.print("Umidita = ");
      carrier.display.print(" %");

Hi, me and others had the same issue about a year ago.

I was in contact with the support thereafter for two weeks but they couldn't help and eventually I gave up due to a broken library which at least compiles now.

I now updated the firmware & libraries and uploaded my sketch to see if those problems have been resolved, I even deployed everything on a second kit to - it still doesn't work properly, I experience the same problem as you do. For me it works only when connected via USB and when I upload a different sketch before.

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