Mobile phone jammer prototype

Hi there! I've been reading similar threads but found nothing useful for this. I know it's illegal, but that's assuming you're using it for personal purposes. I'm from Argentina, and the security minister said this systems are very expensive to buy, so I thought it could be a good idea to make a startup that builds these systems low-cost. I'm not planning on do these powerful enough to cover a while prison system with 1 device (as the main purpose for these are to block Mobile signals in prisons), but to use many low power next to each other (my projection is that 1 device should have at least 20 meters of range). Is this possible without getting to a high budget? My main goal is to build some prototypes with different ranges, from 5 meters (enough to cover a particular prison cell to 20 meters in order to have many devices to cover particular places from the prison).

Is there a plan in Argentina to introduce 5G cell phone usage in the future? That device will not block those frequencies.

Actually there is, but this is Argentina, probably it will take decades to get fully covered by 5G

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