Modbus TCP/IP with OPTA Master and Slave

At the moment I am trying to communicate two OPTA's via Modbus TCP/IP, one being Master and the other Slave, but I am facing difficulties in establishing communication.
All programming that uses the Ethernet Shield with Arduino Uno does not work with OPTA, could anyone help with this by providing some programming?

Please refer to this tutorial:

Please let us know if you need further assistance

This is a document for the PLC IDE, the project I am developing needs to be in C++.
Using the PLC IDE, it was successful, but now I would like to do it via C++ to have a broader project with this type of language.

Could you verify that you are using the specific Ethernet library developed for MbedOS Opta boards? This one is different than the usual Arduino Ethernet.

If this does not solve your issue I recommend to share a detailed post describing your project including the code, specific errors and logs so we can advice you better.