I'm a novice at writing code and I don't have the vocabulary for this
However I know what I want my Arduino Uno to do
I am a model railroader and I want it my train to pass over a sensor and turn something on hold it on after it passes until it crosses a second one to turn it off
And I'm getting frustrated I don't know how to do it
I not sure I know how to hook it up but the code has me stumped
please be patient i have never programed anything in my life
Follow the example code that comes with the library or
run some tutorials for the hardware selected.
If you are happy with the results of the tutorials you can merge these to your project.
I moved your topic to an appropriate forum category @johnd1024.
In the future, please take some time to pick the forum category that best suits the subject of your topic. There is an "About the _____ category" topic at the top of each category that explains its purpose.
When You have got it working maybe You want to make it like on the real railroad?
Real gates go on in good time before the train enrers the crossing, and they go up when last part of the train has left the crossing,
I wrote some code for a model railroad crossing lights, maybe you can adapt the code for this. Wouldn't be hard, all the triggers are setup already, it's just a matter of what the triggers trigger.
const int IRPin1 = 2;
const int IRPin2 = 3;
const int LED1 = 10;
const int LED2 = 11;
const int Output = 7;
int train = 0;
unsigned long previousMillis = 0;
unsigned long prevMillis = 0;
const long interval = 7000;
boolean ledState = false;
void setup() {
pinMode(LED1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(LED2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(Output, OUTPUT);
pinMode(IRPin1, INPUT);
pinMode(IRPin2, INPUT);
digitalWrite (Output, HIGH);
void loop() {
unsigned long currentMillis = millis();
if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= 500) {
previousMillis = currentMillis;
ledState = !ledState;
digitalWrite(LED1, ledState);
digitalWrite(LED2, !ledState);
if ((!digitalRead(IRPin1) == 1) || (!digitalRead(IRPin2) == 1)) {
train = 1;
if (train == 1) {
digitalWrite (Output, LOW);
unsigned long currMillis = millis();
if (currMillis - prevMillis >= interval) {
prevMillis = currMillis;
digitalWrite (Output, HIGH);
train = 0;
if (train == 0) {
digitalWrite (Output, HIGH);
I don't think that is the final code iteration, but I seem to have lost the final one in the depths of my many hard drives. But that should give you a good start!
Dr. Geoff Bunza has done an excellent series of model Railroad-related Arduino projects. They're published on the Model Railroad Hobbyist Forum. Here's a link to the index he put together of his projects. You can ask about specifics here, but you can also approach him directly by joining that forum and posting to a particular thread, or actually direct message him.
Not trying to chase you away, but Happy Reading, and good luck!
(sorry, got distracted reading, forgot to insert link!)
Thank you all so very very much for responding with your help and suggestions.
I found a you tube video entitled "Crossing gate Project for Arduino" and through that was able to understand the code and get the result i needed.
I also understand now through all you help in the forum to activate another pin.
The code seems to be simple and easy if you just takr the time to read it and stay with it even for a novice such as me.
like i said at the beginning this is the first time i have ever tried anything like this, this is so far out of my wheelhouse i never thought i would get it.
actually I'm having more trouble navigating thorough this forum than writing code. . .LOL. but I will get it!
Thank you all again for your support, help and patience.