Monkeyboard DAB radio

I have started a project to interface an arduino mega to the monkeyboard dab radio containing a keystone t2-l4a-8650.

Got the mega communicating in place of the custom programmed uart and can now control the unit :slight_smile:

One strange issue. It's connected at 57600, 8,N,1 to serial 1. Command packets are generally 7 bytes long, which send fine and the unit replies, but when I use one of the longer 12 byte commands, I have had to put a 1ms delay in the loop after the serial1.write().

It maybe that the keystone modules buffer is to small (which would be very strange, and the product sheet suggests it is 64 bytes) or the arduino is corrupting.

Module is here

I try similar...monkeyboard & arduino....until now I do not even get the two to communicate... =(

therefore any hints highly appreciated to save some time...

I found the reason for not being able to communicate with the Keystone. After many, many tries somebody notified me of the baudrate mismatch of the Arduino at 57600. For details, see the end of this page: Teensyduino: Using the UART (real serial) with Teensy on the Arduino IDE

In short: "Arduino at 57600 Baud - It's Actually 58824"

Using an initialization of

Serial1.begin(57601); //-0.79% baudrate error not +2.1%

works like a charm .. what a tough one ..

Hello :slight_smile:

I am searching software C++ for Monkeyboard DAB radio.
Can You help me ?
Best Regards

The program or example can be incomplete...

Thank You
Best Regards

is there maybe a possibility to communicate about i²c between arduino and the KeyStone 8650?

look at this shematic..


Thank You for answer :slight_smile:
Yes , I see this :slight_smile:

Where to get I2C command for this board ?

Best Regards

bumping a dead thread…

The module data sheet has the I2C details. If you brought the module from the then you can ask for the data sheets.