More than 5 V output?


I have an Arduino Uno R3 board and I intend to use it to both power on and regulate the RPM of a pump.

The pump's specifications state that the minimum voltage to turn it on is 10 V. However, to the best of my understanding, an Uno R3 can supply a maximum of 5 V. Is that correct?

In that case, could you please: 1) provide any guidance on how to get a higher voltage out? Would a transistor help with this? Are there any schematics you could provide me with? 2) In case not, are there any other Arduino boards that have a higher than 5 V output?


provide a link to the spec of the pump you intend to use?

NO the arduino is not a power supply


Model FF 12 DCB-4

Even if it could supply the voltage it isn't strong enough to supply the current. You will need to use something like a mosfet which will be switched by the Uno but have its own external power supply.

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Mosfet for what?
OPs pump has 0-5V speed control circuit.

You just need 10-26V power supply. Like 12V wall wart. Power draw is only 2W.

It depends.
Do you want to control the speed or just turn it off and on.

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