Anyone know what this is and where i can get it?
Anyone know what this is and where i can get it?
Google says it's a high speed 600volt /30Amp diode.
FFAF30U60ST, 600V 30A ultra-fast recovery diode.
Where to get it?
Depends where you live.
Any 600V 30A ultra-fast rectifier will probably do.... This one is in an isolated TO220 package, which is less
common though.
Ok i know nothing about this so that why i sound like a noob sorry.I'm from canada you guys think i can find it on ebay.
So you think that's the only blown component in the power supply? You might be lucky,
but with high voltages the damage is often extensive.
Well i didn't see anything else bulge or smoking or cracked.If the part is not expensive i would try and see.
Ok thank you guys! Just bought one from ebay will install it.If it work there we go if not too bad haha.
OPs pic.
For all to see..
Oh and just to say i did aome research on it but didn't understand anything i feel dumb but it what it is lol thank for the help!
Well i didn't see anything else bulge or smoking or cracked.If the part is not expensive i would try and see.
Many many years ago when I first started working in electronics there was a theory circulating about this. In essence, on a faulty board the blackened smoking component is probably working perfectly but the shining new looking one next door is dead.
You are probably right about which component is faulty but the question is why did it fail?
Yeah that what i told my father.wonder what happen why it peaked and blew up.Well I will see what happen when i change the part see if it stay on or blow up right away.But you are 100% right big chanxe something else is broken