Motor Control Shield Encoder Option

I have recently purchased a Motor Control Shield (V1.1 designed by David Cuartielles) and for the most part am quite happy with it . . . although the motor control IC gets quite hot and I am trying to figure out how to best heat sink the little beast.

According to the assembly instructions, the PCB has some extra space for an optional encoder; however, I have been unable to find any information specifically about the encoder (schematic, parts list, code, etc.)

My question is does anyone have any information about the encoder capabilities of this design?

You can find schema and component list on the Arduino site but it until now I was not able to find code or other information for using it...

You can find these information at the following address:


Thank you very much for the link. From the information, I found there, I now know that there are only two components (a Philips 74HC32N IC & socket) that I need to procure. All the other parts are the regular resistors, capacitors, LED's and switches that reside in most people's parts bins.

The hardware is the easy part, but what I really need is to find some instructions, sample code or at the least a description of operation.