Motor Shield Rev 3 Clear Plastic Plate


I just received an Arduino Motor Shield Rev 3, and it came with a little clear plastic plate underneath, whose purpose is unclear to me. It has holes in it, same pattern as the Uno, it looks like it might be removable or also installable under the shield to act as some kind of isolation between the Uno below and the shield. Can anyone provide advice on whether to try to install it under the shield? It looks like its more than simply a discard able shipping plate.

Thanks, Steven Lightfoot


The plastic case does fit when the shield is installed above an Uno, I am just not sure its main purpose. I assume its use is optional.

My best guess would be it acts to prevent any renegade wiring from getting in and making unwanted contact on the underside of the shield.

Thanks. That is my assumption also. When I installed the shield all seemed to fit and it didn't appear to interfere with the proper install of the shield above the Uno, and serves as increased isolation as you mention. The documentation doesn't mention it, so maybe its a new nice to have feature. Anyway, if anyone knows for certain, I would appreciate any insight.

Steven Lightfoot

Although it came with the shield, I just tried it on the base of the Uno Rev 3 itself, and it fits, acts as a mounting base basically and isolates the underside of the Uno from the surface under it, on which the Uno is mounted. Very useful, I have a feeling it may now be standard issue with new Uno and shield deliveries. I like it.