I am working on a senior design project which involves a 24 V motor that is capable of rotating at 20,000 RPM. The Arduino I am using is an Arduino Uno. The application is to grind coffee beans. I need to be able to control said motor (link below) at specific points in a sequence. The power supply I am using is a Balluff BAE0006 (link below). It has a 24 V output with 5 A nominal current. The motor driver is a BTS7960 (link below) that states it can handle 43 A. I won't be pushing a nominal 43 A, but I purchased this for current spikes during start up.
I originally tested the motor by directly connecting the power supply to the motor to see if the power supply could supply the proper amount of current. I am aware that over time this will wear down the motor. I then tried using the Robojax library (link below) to power the motor on. Initially, the driver was able to power the motor from stop to full speed. Now, it is intermittent if the motor will start up by itself. When I say "start up by itself" sometimes it will start, but most of the time I will need to manually spin it slightly and it will start.
Initially, I thought the coffee beans were jamming it and it wouldn't start. After disassembling the coffee grinder and leave the motor shaft bare, it still would not start. This leads me to believe I am having issues with starting current.
Is there a way to enable the BTS7960 to output more current to start the motor? As a Mechanical Engineer, I have very little background in PWM and do not know if this is the solution I neeed.
Motor: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07PG12VJW/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o05_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Power Supply: BAE0006 (BAE PS-XA-1W-24-050-003) Power supplies for the control cabinet - BALLUFF
BTW7960 Motor Driver: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07TFB22H5/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Robojax Library: Control BTS7960 DC Motor Driver Module with Arduino - Robojax