Move a simple car around another car

Hi all I am new to this forum, In my college I have assigned a project in which I have to create two simple arduino controlled cars.

Challenging problem. Have fun, and let us know how it goes.

Oh sorry I pushed the post button by mistake,

actually as you can see in the image the first car is moving in a big circle of fixed radius say half a meter--- I can do this easily.

but the second car should move around it always, in real time the second car will traverse a helical path. ---- How to do this??? (the speed ob both the cars is fixed)

Suggest me how to revolve the second car around the first car ??

I think it is a sort of swarm robotics.

Thanks in advance

Drive generally forward, while maintaining a constant distance from the first car.

The first car does the same, at lower speed but larger radius, but around a fixed point.

Here's the OP's pic:

the first car is moving in a big circle of fixed radius say half a meter--- I can do this easily.

Have you actually got the first car working properly in its circle? I'd be surprised if that's as simple as it sounds: slightest bit of slippage and who knows where it will end up?

The key phrase in that quote is "I can do", which most likely means "I think I can do".

thanks for the reply to all, yes I managed to get the first car to move in a big circle, but i am unable to get the idea how to move the second car around the first one

please help me

Imagine, if you will, that CarA is going around in a circle and on top of carA is a pole with a string attached that leads to carB. Imagine that carB just drives in a straight line and the tether to carA causes carB to go in a circle around carA. Now translate that idea to your situation.

What are you using to control the speed and direction of the first car? How does it know its position relative to the center of the circle it travels?

Can you use the same sensors for the second car to judge its distance to the first car?
I have to admit, I do not know what sensors those would be. That is why I am asking you how you manage the first car.

i am unable to get the idea how to move the second car around the first one

See reply #3.

Please explain how you solved the "first car" problem, which is the same problem.