MP3 player Sparkfun Shield Programming Help

Hi guys, I'm pretty new to programming in arduino and I'm working on a project that I'm trying to integrate some sound into. I started with an arduino uno redboard.

I bought the SparkFun MP3 Player Shield (SparkFun MP3 Player Shield - DEV-12660 - SparkFun Electronics) got it installed, went through the hookup guide and loaded up the FilePlayer example. I had to modify the baud value from 115200 to 9600 because I was only getting giberish on the serial monitor. Once I fixed that, it worked when I typed in 001, 002, 003, 004 and so on, playing the respective files. It didn't however work when I typed only 1,2,3,or 4 as the comments seem to suggest it should.

Now, I've searched the internet for more information on how to actually use this in code and I keep coming back to this code:

#include <SPI.h>
#include <SdFat.h>
#include <SdFatUtil.h> 
#include <SFEMP3Shield.h>

SdFat sd;
SFEMP3Shield MP3player;

void setup() {


  //start the shield
  sd.begin(SD_SEL, SPI_HALF_SPEED);

  //start playing track 1

//do something else now
void loop() {

  Serial.println("I'm bored!");


When I run this code, I can hear the speaker kick on for a second but nothing plays.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Does it still work with 001, 002, ... ?
Did you perhaps mean the sample track filenames, "track001.mp3", "track002.mp3" etc?
If so, what would possess you to try and play "1.mp3"... etc. when no such file exists on the card, unless you put it there?