MPU6050 and Arduino R4 Wifi

Hi, I'm trying to read the angle data form a MPU6050 connecting the SDA and SCL pins of the arduino R4 to the SDA and SCL pins of the MPU, but for some reason it dosn't work well, it shows lots of moving numbers on the Serial Monitor, nothing like the angle.

Can someone help me plese?

can you give a link to the specific MPU6050?
give details of the GPIO connections, GPIOs, how you power the device, etc?
is anything else connected to the ESP32?
if you run the I2C scanner what does it display?
which MPU6050 library are you using?
do the example programs supplied with the library work?
upload your code (using code tags </>)?

Check if your module has built-in pull-up resistors.

The MPU-6050 measures acceleration and rate of change of angle. It does not measure angles.

It's a mpu6050 hw123

I'm using an arduino R4 wifi, 5Vpin to VCC, GNDpin to GND, SCLpin to SCL and SDApin to SDA

It says that I have a device adress 0x68 (I'm using this adress to read the data

None, I'm using Wire.h to do it

I tried the MPU6050 on other devices (using A5 and A4 for SDA and SCL) and it works perfectly with the code, but when I try it on the R4 it just dosn't work well

thanks for the answers