I am using a MPU6050 on the Arduino Due with the libraries written by Jeff "the one" Rowberg and I keep having my MPU650 crash after a new sketch is uploaded. After some googling I found that having the INT pin connected should resolve this, but all the examples are for the Arduino Uno. I tried connecting the INT pin to DP2 on the Due and it did not work. Has anyone else had this problem, and if so then what did you do to correct it?
The code I am trying to upload is a simple calibration sketch. Once the MPU6050 crashes, no amount of hitting the reset button on the Due helps. I have to restart the power to the MPU6050 before it starts working again.
The MPU-6050 (the chip) is a 3.3V device, so if you actually connected Vcc to 5V you fried it. That's why I asked for the link to the breakout board or better it's schematics, as the content of that board is important, most contain a voltage regulator, some even level converters.