Hi guys, I've been trying for like 1 week to figure out how to make my MPU6050 work with Arduino Uno but I keep failing. I tried hundreds of codes from internet and no one seem to work, I connected my MPU6050 to Arduino board like that: SCL – A5
SDA – A4
VCC – 3.3V
( as I showed in the 1st photo). But I am not getting no coordinates on Serial Monitor after uploading the code in Arduino. ( as I showed in the photo) Can you tell me what to do? That's the code I've used: EEEnthusiast/MPU6050_Implementation.ino at master · VRomanov89/EEEnthusiast · GitHub
photos with my circuit and code & serial monitor in ARDUINO IDE:
(cannot upload it on forum sorry. btw, that piece of paper under mpu6050 is to stabilize it. without that paper the led would not even blink.)
PS: I need MPu6050 for a smart blind navigation stick to tell me directions to avoid obstacles (left,right,front).