MPU6050 is not working with my Arduino UNO

Hi guys, I've been trying for like 1 week to figure out how to make my MPU6050 work with Arduino Uno but I keep failing. I tried hundreds of codes from internet and no one seem to work, I connected my MPU6050 to Arduino board like that: SCL – A5
SDA – A4
VCC – 3.3V
( as I showed in the 1st photo). But I am not getting no coordinates on Serial Monitor after uploading the code in Arduino. ( as I showed in the photo) Can you tell me what to do? That's the code I've used: EEEnthusiast/MPU6050_Implementation.ino at master · VRomanov89/EEEnthusiast · GitHub

photos with my circuit and code & serial monitor in ARDUINO IDE:

(cannot upload it on forum sorry. btw, that piece of paper under mpu6050 is to stabilize it. without that paper the led would not even blink.)

PS: I need MPu6050 for a smart blind navigation stick to tell me directions to avoid obstacles (left,right,front).

What did the I2C scanner show when it found your device?

something that my mpu6050 is not found. but some guys told me that i should solder the headers of the pins in my mpu6050 and that's the reason why my mpu6050 is not working.

Cool, issue solved. Solder those headers.

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Ops pic.

Tom... :slight_smile: