MPU9250 randomly stops working

So for the past week I was testing out the MPU9250 module because I need the yaw value for a compass. Yesterday it just stops working so I tought I had wired it up rong or something else but I checkt everything and als the I2C was still working on the board. In the evening I started it up again and it works again so I was happy. Today I start working again but after like 5 to 10 min it just randomly stops working again. I checked I2C connection and nothing was connected to it. After a hour and a half I pluged it back in and it works again. I don't know why it acts like that.

Here is the code I am running to check if there is a connection with I2C:

#include "MPU9250.h"

uint8_t addrs[7] = {0};
uint8_t device_count = 0;

template <typename WireType = TwoWire>
void scan_mpu(WireType& wire = Wire) {
    Serial.println("Searching for i2c devices...");
    device_count = 0;
    for (uint8_t i = 0x68; i < 0x70; ++i) {
        if (wire.endTransmission() == 0) {
            addrs[device_count++] = i;
    Serial.print("Found ");
    Serial.print(device_count, DEC);
    Serial.println(" I2C devices");

    Serial.print("I2C addresses are: ");
    for (uint8_t i = 0; i < device_count; ++i) {
        Serial.print(addrs[i], HEX);
        Serial.print(" ");

template <typename WireType = TwoWire>
uint8_t readByte(uint8_t address, uint8_t subAddress, WireType& wire = Wire) {
    uint8_t data = 0;
    wire.requestFrom(address, (size_t)1);
    if (wire.available()) data =;
    return data;

void setup() {


    if (device_count == 0) {
        Serial.println("No device found on I2C bus. Please check your hardware connection");
        while (1)

    // check WHO_AM_I address of MPU
    for (uint8_t i = 0; i < device_count; ++i) {
        Serial.print("I2C address 0x");
        Serial.print(addrs[i], HEX);
        byte ca = readByte(addrs[i], WHO_AM_I_MPU9250);
        if (ca == MPU9250_WHOAMI_DEFAULT_VALUE) {
            Serial.println(" is MPU9250 and ready to use");
        } else if (ca == MPU9255_WHOAMI_DEFAULT_VALUE) {
            Serial.println(" is MPU9255 and ready to use");
        } else if (ca == MPU6500_WHOAMI_DEFAULT_VALUE) {
            Serial.println(" is MPU6500 and ready to use");
        } else {
            Serial.println(" is not MPU series");
            Serial.print("WHO_AM_I is ");
            Serial.println(ca, HEX);
            Serial.println("Please use correct device");
        static constexpr uint8_t AK8963_ADDRESS {0x0C};  //  Address of magnetometer
        static constexpr uint8_t AK8963_WHOAMI_DEFAULT_VALUE {0x48};
        byte cb = readByte(AK8963_ADDRESS, AK8963_WHO_AM_I);
        if (cb == AK8963_WHOAMI_DEFAULT_VALUE) {
            Serial.print("AK8963 (Magnetometer) is ready to use");
        } else {
            Serial.print("AK8963 (Magnetometer) was not found");

void loop() {

And this is the Serial monitor log. You see in the time stamps that I left it for a while and the pluged it back in:

12:17:32.852 -> No device found on I2C bus. Please check your hardware connection
12:17:44.654 -> Searching for i2c devices...
12:17:44.692 -> Found 0 I2C devices
12:17:44.692 -> I2C addresses are: 
12:17:44.692 -> No device found on I2C bus. Please check your hardware connection
13:48:48.082 -> Searching for i2c devices...
13:48:48.122 -> Found 1 I2C devices
13:48:48.122 -> I2C addresses are: 0x68 
13:48:48.122 -> I2C address 0x68 is MPU9250 and ready to use
13:48:48.122 -> AK8963 (Magnetometer) was not found

I also don't know why the magnetometer is not found.

Can you show us a photo with the wiring?

try connecting ADO to gnd.

I see a 5-pin 3.3volt voltage regulator on the module,
meaning you should power VCC of the module from the 5volt pin of the Uno.

I don't see a 6-pin logic level shifter on that module (some modules do have them).
The I2C logic levels of the MPU9250 are 3.3volt, so you should also use an I2C level shifter board.

Not saying that it will fix your problems,
but at least you can rule out the hardware mistakes you have made now.

Be sure you connections are solid and nothing is moving. Those protyping systems although handy do have connections problems.

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