Multiple Button Matrix wiring


I have a general question about Button Matrix with diodes. I currently have 2 button matrices:
Matrix A is a 6x5
Matrix B is a 7x5.

Where 5 is the columns and 6 & 7 are the rows. When I connect Button Matrix A I am able to see button presses without any issues. But when I connect both A and B I am getting phantom button presses.

My question is, how should I be wiring up 2 matrix together. Do I need to connect Matrix A Columns to the end of Matrix B Columns? Or can I just connect them both to the same input pins on the arduino.

Are you trying to make a 13X5 matrix ?

Yes. That is the goal.

You will need 13 row pins and 5 column pins.

Similar to this but bigger.

I am with you on that. So my question is can I just connect the top of the columns to the same input pins on arduino. Or do I need to connect top of one matrix to the bottom of the other? Does that make sense?

When you make it a 7×10 matrix (with some missing buttons), you save one pin.

So I guess I am asking if I need todo option A in the following image, as I am doing option B and I am getting phantom presses with specific buttons.

Above schematic gives 8 X 4

Thanks Larry!

A and B are electrically identical. Neither A or B should cause ghosting. The ghosting must be because of some other problem.

And of course 8X5 etc . . .

That's what I initially thought, electrically they seem to be similar. Just not sure why I get phantom presses when both matrix are connected as opposed to single matrix connected.

It must be some detail of the circuit or code you have not shared yet.

13x5 are 18 pins needed
7x10 are 17 pins needed

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