Please can someone help me?
How can i connect 10 mpu 6050 on arduino uno
I don't not where to start I'm able to use 1 with not issue but i been trying and searching on how to use 10 but i can't find no information of what equipment need it or how to set up the cables
Thank you
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Google on "Arduino + 6050". Then You know how to connect the first one.
Find out how the 6050 is selected.
I've not been playing with that thing but reading datasheet and manuals usually works.
Can you create 5 I2C connections on Arduino UNO? If you can then you can connect 10 mpu 6050, each can have one of 2 adresses
Hey thanks for the reply
I know how to connect 1 mpu 6050 and how to use but i being searching and trying to find how to use more then 1 mpu and nothing if you know how can you please share your knowledge with me
Example equipment's need or how to set up the cables thank
Search for I2C multiplexer!
There's no way an UNO can run 5 I2C lines as far as I know. (reply #4)
Thanks for the reply but that's the issue
I only learn how to connect 1 mpu
After that i don't know what equipment need
Thank you again if uno can't run 5 12c
What is the best to run 10 12c
Check the manual for the mpu. There is a strap or a spot for soldering that can set the second mpu to another address making it possible to access 2 mpu on the same I2C bus.
Get an I2C multiplexer giving You more I2C busses. Then install 2 mpu per each I2C bus.
Ok thanks now I'm getting to understand
My last question please
how many I2C multiplexer is possible to use on 1 arduino uno
And how many mpu 6050 can be use on 1 I2C multiplexer
Thank you
It depends. The MPU-6050 can have two addresses, but you need that address pin. Some modules don't have that pin available.
The MPU-6050 is a 3.3V chip with a 3.3V I2C bus. The Arduino Uno is a 5V board with a 5V I2C bus. Some I2C multiplexers can deal with two I2C buses with different voltages.
It is possible to put a multiplexer after a multiplexer after a multiplexer. About 1000 MPU-6050 should be possible (but not practical).
The I2C bus is slow. With 10 MPU-6050, it will be ten times slower.
Are you making sensor-gloves with a sensor at each fingertip ?
Please tell us more about your project.
There is an other option: a library for a software I2C bus. A single SCL and five SDA signals need 6 pins. Then you have five I2C buses, with two MPU-6050 on each bus. The AD0 pin of the sensor is connected to GND or 3.3V, so that does not need another pin. The disadvantage is that the Uno may not be directly connected to the MPU-6050 chip.
I forgot something, there is a trick to put all the MPU-6050 at address 0x69 and only bring one to 0x68 and use that one. Ten MPU-6050 need 10 address lines. The Arduino Uno can not do that because it is a 5V board.
Two pins for a hardware I2C bus plus 10 pins makes a total of 12 pins.
Put a voltage divider on each of the 10 pins, job's a good 'un.
Wait, there is a problem. Each mpu6050 board will probably have 10K pull-ups on SDA & SCL pins. 10 modules connected to the bus means 10x10K in parallel. That's equivalent to a single 1K. The minimum recommended is 2K, so the bus may not work correctly.
If that's a problem, options are
- Remove the 10K from at least 5 of the mpu boards. This could be difficult for a beginner and risks damaging the boards. These resistors are tiny and require a very small soldering iron bit and some skill using it.
- Return to the iĀ²c multiplexer idea. This will isolate all except 2 modules from the bus at any time, so fixes the problem that way.
Or a pair of side cutters
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