multiple videos by using touch sensors


I'm working on a really cool project with food and short films. Basically I have 4 touch sensors, which each is supposed to trigger their own short film. I was trying to look for the codes but I don't seem to come across the thing I need, maybe some of you knows... So far I have got the sensor part working correctly with LED lights, but I have to code it again for the actual purpose. I was told to use Processing for the film part.

A bit more in detail: I have the touch sensors using Arduino, that I have to code to send a command (supposedly) to Processing to begin the film. The film should run till the end, before the next film can be released from another sensor. I am using a projector/single channel for the films.

Any help is appreciated! :slight_smile:

Have you tried writing a short program that detects your touch sensors and prints the result on the Serial Monitor. I'm sure there are plenty of examples and tutorials about that.

Have you written another short program that sends a message to Processing so that it plays a particular video. I'm sure there are many examples of sending data to Processing.

When you have the two simple programs working separately it will be time to merge them into a complete project.

All programs should be built from small parts.

Planning and Implementing a Program

I have done a similar thing with Arduino > Web Page > Youtube Video