Musical theater with led

Hi, I have to do a project in which I use Arduino where thanks to the music or clapping light up some LEDs depending on the intensity of the volume.
I ask for help and if you can finish the program and also the assembly of the circuit.
Thank You! :smiley:

It may be interesting to use an MSGEQ7 - chip.
It houses an 7-band equalizer, doesn't need much extra components and lots of
arduino-examples are available.

Don't forget that the ear perceives sound volume on a logarithmic scale.

I tried a circuit but the monitor from making out the serial numbers and random code wrong
This is the circuit with the Program, I ask Help

const int analogInPin = A0; // pin di input analogico a cui รจ collegato il microfono.
int sensorValue = 0;

void setup()

void loop()
// leggi il valore del microfono.
sensorValue = analogRead(analogInPin);

if (sensorValue > 50) {
// ho messo il valore 50 per rimuovere il rumore di fondo.
// stampa i risultati sul monitor seriale :
Serial.print("sensor = " );
// aspetta mezzo secondo prima del prossimo loop

Firstly why are you decoupling the output of the amp to the ADC.

Also what you you mean by "Wrong" can you explain please.

It might also be a good idea to be able to adjust the gain of the amp otherwise you may saturate the output and never see any change above a certain level.

Have you also accounted for the DC offset of the output when calculating the input value.

Cheers Pete.