Hello everyone, I'm stuying robotics and my teacher allways says that using delay function is wrong because it stops the whole program for as long as the delay is functioning. He developed his own library for timers (and it works perfectly) for us to use, but it is confusing to me when I use it, so I came up with this idea:
The program in question is an Arduino-PLC communication bit per bit, which is binarily reading the value "167" in Arduino and sends it to Siemens S7-1200 PLC via output.
Please just focus on my timer anyways.
int value = 167; //Value to transfer in BIN digits
int timer = 0; //Timer variable
int mark_timer = 0; //Marks second period of the timer
int read_bit = 0; //Counter for which bit to read
int output_clock = 12; //Output for when to send the data to S7-1200
int output_data = 13; //Output data for S7-1200
void setup() {
Serial.println(value,BIN); //Shows the BIN digit to help at developing the code
void loop() {
if(timer <= 500){ //Whenever the timer is below 500ms, it will do nothing
timer = timer + 1; //adds 1ms each time we pass through the delay
if(timer >= 500){ //When the timer hits 500ms, it activates the data output
Serial.print(bitRead(value,read_bit)); //Shows the bit that's going to be transferred to S7-1200
digitalWrite(output_clock,1); //Enables the signal for S7-1200 to read (the other half of the reading goes at S7-1200's code)
digitalWrite(output_data,bitRead(value,read_bit)); //Sends the bit to S7-1200
read_bit = read_bit + 1; //Prepares the counter for reading the next bit when the timer re-activates
mark_timer = 1; //First half of the timer is completed
if ((mark_timer == 1) && (timer <= 1000)){ //Waits for another half a second, this process is made in order to simulate the Manchester II method of reading data
if ((mark_timer = 1) && (timer >= 1000)){ //Resets the code for the next bit to be readed
timer = 0;
mark_timer = 0;
if(read_bit == 8){ //Resets the counter to begin from first bit again when it has hit the 8th digit
read_bit = 0;
With this, I want to delay(1) as many times as it takes to get to 1 second, 1 minute...
As I see it, it won't stop the program since it's only running 1 millisecond every time it reads the sentence.
Do you think I am wrong? Maybe I should discuss this with my teacher? What do you think?
Thank you very much.