My MQ2 Sensor cannot detect smoke but normal for Gas

my mq2 sensor can't detect smoke but it's normal to detect gas. I have not used the sensor for about 1 month. does it have any effect?. and if so how to solve it? Thank you

With which type of smoke did you test? Also what kind of gas was it sensitive for?

Not using the sensor for some time shouldn't affect it's sensitivity for smoke.

Is it a sensor you made or a module? What did you adjust the potentiometer to if module? If standalone sensor, what load resistor are you using?
Sounds like you need to calibrate it.

If the sensor has not been used for some time, do the required 24-72 hour "burn in" again, or the measurements will not be meaningful.

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They aren't anyway, in the Arduino space and certainly not for smoke, but yes, you're correct.

"Smoke" is poorly defined. If you want to detect smoke particles, use a particle detector.

Several of the MQ sensors respond to one or more of the gases that are commonly given off by burning materials, but of course the actual gases depend on whatever happens to be burning.

Exactly. It always makes me a little nervous when folks make mysterious projects using these. There are lots of reasons why Arduino and these sensors are not the best option and certainly not suitable for life safety applications. Carbon monoxide, for example, should not be measured at all with tin dioxide type sensors of this quality. 9ppm is the cut-off (level that has been shown can cause fetal death over a long enough time exposure) and Arduino can't reliably resolve concentrations of gases using sensors like these that low.

Thanks for the answer, i think i need to calibrate it again

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