Hello everybody,
I’m using a Duemillanove, Arduino 1.0, Windows7. My serial monitor doesn’t appear anymore. It looks like it is out of bounce of the monitor, no idea. It is also not visible on the second monitor. Is there a possibility to create default settings for the program, so that the monitor might appear again in the visual area? The strange thing is that it seems to start (on the taskbar I can see COM7) but it doesn’t become visible. Had anybody some similar experience or could help me?
Set your screen resolution to the highest available resolution and then see if it is visible. If so, drag it back to the normally visable area at the lower resolution. I think there are probably keyboard commands to move open windows around. Otherwise reinstall the arduino IDE to see if that helps.
Open the serial monitor.
Press M
Move it back on screen with the arrow keys.
smeezekitty saved my day, thanks, a lot!!! reinstallation or other version didn't work, tried that one before.....
anyway, thanks a lot to both of you, my serial monitor is alive again.