Nano every output voltage dropping with 15mA load

Hello !
I am trying to control a stepper motor with an arduino nano every and a TB6600 stepper driver.
The stepper driver inputs (ENA, PUL and DIR) only take 15mA to run, so it shouldn't be no problem. However when the arduino outputs are connected to the driver, the voltage drops from 4.8V to 1.1V and it doesn't work.
The weird thing is it has worked, but I started to rewrite the code as the StepperDriver library i was using couldn't provide some features i needed. The wiring is the same and the only difference is the software.
In order to troubleshout this, i wrote the super simple code :

int pinStep = 4;

int pinDir = 2;

int pinEna = 3;

int pinReady = 5;

int pinArm = 6;

int pinFDC = 7;

void setup() {

  PinMode(pinStep, OUTPUT);

  PinMode(pinDir, OUTPUT);

  PinMode(pinEna, OUTPUT);

  PinMode(pinReady, OUTPUT);

  PinMode(pinArm, INPUT);

  PinMode(pinFDC, INPUT_PULLUP); 


void loop() {

  digitalWrite(pinStep, HIGH);


  digitalWrite(pinStep, LOW);



When the output 4 is not connected to the driver, i mesure 4.8V, but as soon as I connect it to the driver, it drops to 1.1V.
The driver works as i was able to make the motor turn by manually making the pulse with the arduino 5V pin.

Any idea what could cause this ?
thanks for reading !

Welcome to the Arduino forum. Can you provide at least a block diagram showing how you have every thing connected? You can see it, but we can't.

The driver module from DFrobot ?
It has a wiki and a User Guide.

According to the User Guide, its digital input pins need 8~15mA for the internal optocoupler.
The Arduino Nano Every with ATmega4809 can output 20mA with a digital pin.
It should work.


Perhaps something is broken.
I assume that you have a multimeter ? Do you have a resistor of 100Ω to measure the voltage drop over the resistor ? Can you measure the diode of the optocoupler input ?
Can you provide a photo as well ?

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here are the electrical drawings .
I have a multimeter, but no resistance infortunatelly. I can try opening the driver to make some mesurements, what should i be looking for ?

it is a little bit messy, but i'm confident the wiring is like the drawings.

this is the arduino, there are more wire than shown on the drawings, but they are not connected to anything as they are not usefull yet.

and the driver. (sorry for multiple posts, but new accounts are limited to 1 picture per posts)

That is not safe.

Turn off the mains voltage to the big power supplies. Disconnect the power wires to the Arduino board (disconnect only the 5V wire is good enough). Use only USB power.

If you run your sketch (with USB power and a unpowered driver module), can the output pin output a normal voltage with a digital pin ?

The Arduino Nano Every has a voltage regulator that likes 12V at VIN. It does not do much when VIN is 5V.

Warning: There is now a disconnected wire on the table (the 5V wire), and there is also mains voltage on your table. You have to be sure that everything is okay, before turning on the power supplies.
Have you checked if your mains has a good earth-leakage circuit breaker ? You need it.
I suggest to look at BigClive's unofficial guide: It is not a pleasant video, but for you it is necessary information.

Powering the arduino only from the USB or from the 12V does not fix the problem, still 1.1V when it is connected to the driver.

I know my setup is quite bad regarding safety, but i have training in electrical safety and i understand the risks. And yes there are earth circuit breaker, even though i didn't checked them before doing this tests.

Then something is broken.

Could it be the soldering of the wires to the Arduino board ?
I prefer a prototyping shield. Then I solder wires to the shield and then I attach the shield to the Arduino board.
What is the brand of the power supplies ? I hope they are not led drivers. They don't seem to be MeanWell or another known brand.

When it outputs 1.1V, is the 5V pin of the Arduino board still 5V ?
I would like to know the current from the Arduino into the optocoupler of the driver module.

The easiest way to get out of this is to buy everything new. If the project works with the new components, then it is easier to find the broken part.

If you had training then you should work with higher safety standards. You should not lower the safety because you had training :scream:

You really need to mount things on some sort of board and at least put some strain relief on the mains cable so it can’t be pulled out . Get some coloured cable and stick to some sort of standard 5v red, 0v black and so on .
Secure the motor , power supplies , driver and Arduino to the board and make some neat short connections , use terminal blocks , cable clips , maybe put an led on the 5v so you can see it’s on .
Have a circuit diagram ( google how to schematics) and label the connections , cable colours etc.
It will pay you over and over to work neatly and safely . Then you can easily prove you have stuff wired correctly and have less broken parts and more success .

Good luck with your project , picture is me using a board to hold everything together !

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