I built this during the last few weeks. Originally I was asked how to test a Z80. There was some feature creep :-). It's now a teaching aid. The Nano provides the Z80 with clock, reset, int, nmi. Some of the Nano RAM is used for Z80 RAM and IO. Some of the Nano flash is used for Z80 ROM. The code in the Nano can single clock, single step (with register content display), run, stop the Z80. The github link in the user guide only works for collaborators ATM, I've not made it public yet.
NanoZ80UserGuide.pdf (1.6 MB)
I think that this very interesting and well documented project is a candidate for the exhibition gallery on this forum. I have also a "retro computing" project there. Actually a simulation in C++ of an 8 bit computer which someone (James Bates) built using only logic chips Emulator of a 8 bit breadboard logic chip teaching computer . I wrote the simulation for an ESP32 but, in turn, simulated the physical system on Wokwi.
Thank you for the kind words. I'm new to posting in this forum. I did a search for "Z80" and found some references in this section. That's why I posted it in here. Who decides whether a project warrants inclusion in the exhibition gallery?
The author, in this case you, can decide. It is quite informal. Since you have already made the post (elsewhere) you can flag it for moderation and ask that it is moved to the exhibition gallery.