Need Arduino Mega Protoshield suggestions

Anyone out there that have arduino mega, what protoshield would you suggest? What works for you and does not work.
Thanks for sharing your experiences...


I have used and can recommend the Mega shield and header pack from nkcelectronics:

It looks nice. I like the color of this board.

I think the OP is asking about a prototyping shield for the Mega board.

Here's another ,looks good.

I have used and can recommend the Mega shield and header pack from nkcelectronics:

I've also used this one and it worked very well. I'll second the recommendation.

I've been working with the Mega, until I fried it yesterday while accidentally crossing the 3 and 5v supplies (Doh!) when wiring a header for hookups. The NKC board is a bare bones no thrills board.

Maybe this wasn't your context, but here's a few observations I have on the mega/shield situation, and with my suggestions:

  • Arduino shields for SPI or I2C applications aren't compatible with the MEGA pinout, this is a problem.
  • trying to wire up connectors and cables for all the connections for an external board bites, that's how I fried my Mega.

Ideal MEGA shield features:

  • I2C header
  • SPI header
  • jumpers for routing I2C and SPI to legacy arduino pin positions for backwards shield compatibility.
  • more 5v and Gnd hookups for communication busses (i2c,spi, and serial).
  • how about a real 3.3v supply so I quit blowing FTDI chips!

Has anyone been able to find schematics and/or suggestions for assembly of the kit for Smart Projects MEGA Protoshield 02, the one that Robotshop and others are selling?

Maybe I am stupid, but I find it kind of useless unless I have access to information about the internal couplings and preferably also what the designer had in mind when designing the board.

The kit can be seen at the Smart Projects site, but no additional info that I have found.

(For some reason I am not allowed to give you the URL to the manufacturer's site, so you may have to google for it.) >:(

If you look at the pics for the boards you guys have recommended, you can see they have located the Reset switch and the 2x3 header in the centre of the board.
This conflicts with placing a mini-breadboard there.

If you look at the pics for the boards you guys have recommended, you can see they have located the Reset switch and the 2x3 header in the centre of the board.
This conflicts with placing a mini-breadboard there.

I like the 6 pin (ICSP) header where it is on the NKC board because I can stack an XBee shield on top. The XBee gets power and reset from the ICSP pins so if the header was not there I could not stack the XBee

How about this one?

I2C Pin
Analog with Power and GND
PWM with Power and GND
Digital output with Power and GND

Okay, after much research, it seems like NKC developed both the MEGAshield on their site, as well as the board shown by Seeedstudio-Fan up above:

Ive also noticed that the one from robotshop is a little longer, which possibly solve the issue of tight-squeezing a breadboard in there.

In addition, there are no designated area on the robotshop's board which indicate where the LED's, resistors, and mini-buttons to go.

On the robotshop's board, there's a label which indicate it is V2.0. Could anybody explain to me any further differences and which is the board shield to go with? Thanks!


It looks nice. I like the color of this board.

Yea but it doesn't fit the Seeeduino Mega board!

Hey Seeedstudio-Fan can you do something about that situation. :wink:


Hey, I think being able to choose from multiple colors would be a good idea! Say the Red is the "Normal" color, and is normal priced.. then to upgrade to Black, would be, say, $5.

I would have paid an extra $5 for my Seeeduino mega if it was black! (not green though :D)