Need help connecting 2 SPI devices

I am using Arduino Uno, I need to connect MFRC522 and nRF24L01 to Arduino but I cant seem to get it right.

nRF24L01 PINs connected to Arduino:
Pin 9 - CE
Pin 10 - CS(N)
Pin 11 - MOSI
Pin 12 - MISO
Pin 13 - SCK
3.3v - VCC

MFR522 PINs connected to Arduino:
Pin 7 - RST
Pin 8 - SDA
Pin 13 - SCK
Pin 11 - MOSI
Pin 12 - MISO
3.3v - VCC

Some of my coding:

#define SS_RF 9
RF24 radio(9,10);

#define SS_RFID 8
#define RST_PIN 7
MFRC522 mfrc522(SS_RFID, RST_PIN);

pinMode (SS_RF, OUTPUT);
pinMode (SS_RFID, OUTPUT);

digitalWrite(SS_RF, HIGH);//DISABLE NRF24
digitalWrite(SS_RFID, LOW);//ENABLE MRF522

digitalWrite(SS_RF, LOW);//DISABLE NRF24
digitalWrite(SS_RFID, HIGH);//ENABLE MRF522

Any help is very much appreciated!

Some of my coding:

Some of my answer:

You need to ...

What you REALLY need to do is post ALL of your code, AND explain what the code ACTUALLY does and what you EXPECT it to do.

Sorry I cant post my full coding due to copyright, I have read about connecting 2 SPI devices but the PIN names on the nFR24L01 and MRF522 is different. So I cant apply the same procedure as what was explained in the link below:

You need to post a link to the datasheet for the MFRC522. I am familiar with the nRF24.

It makes the code much easier to read if you use the correct names for the pins. For example #define CEpin 9

The nRF24 uses its CE and CSN pins in an interactive way. CE is used to turn the radio on or off and CSN is toggled LOW to HIGH before every new SPI message. It would normally be LOW when you want to talk to the other SPI device. But it is not continuously HIGH when you want to talk to the nRF24

The examples in this Simple nRF24L01+ Tutorial may help.


Sorry I cant post my full coding due to copyright,

Two things.

{A} that suggests that it is a commercial project and if so it is not fair to expect free advice to improve your profits.

{B} write a short program that is not copyright and which illustrates the problem.


I have wrote down the essential coding. I have the Arduino Uno running the code now, but it cant seem to read anything from MRF522. I can use the nRF24L01 if I set the coding like this

digitalWrite(SS_RF, LOW);//Enable NRF24
digitalWrite(SS_RFID, HIGH);Disable MRF522

I have wrote down the essential coding

If you are referring to the code in your Original Post then it is not enough to enable me to help you. I am not going to waste my time guessing about code I cannot see.

And you did not respond to my question about whether this is a commercial project - which gives me an even stronger feeling that it is.
