Multiple SPI Devices Is This Possible??

Hey guys i am very very new to arduino and i want to use nRF24L01 with SD Card reader and i do not know how to connect them can anyone make a fritzing file and explain how it works also i want to know are sda and ss pins same thanks

You're confusing me. You say SPI but then you say sda which is for I2C. Which is it?

If it's SPI then you just connect everything to the same pins except each device needs its own SS line. You have to deal with SS yourself in code so you can pick any pin you want.

If it's I2C then you hook everything to the same two lines but you need to make sure each device has a unique address.

Im so sorry in a website i saw SDA(SS) then i thought they were same so which pin is SS in nRF24L01 and RC522

So NewStew, follow Delta_G's plan: wire all your SPI devices to the same MOSI (output), MISO (soup input) and SCLK (clock) lines to the same pins on the Arduino. Then, for each device, pick an unused pin and wire each device to a separate pin for SS (select). Use the SPI library and it'll all just work if it's hooked up right.

What if i am using a library should i change the library file like RF24.h

How can we know if we can't see your code. That's what the

code tags

are for.

Look like this might be the right place to post my questions.
I have two SPI devices (Adafruit touch screen) and RF24l01. I have made the each individual devices worked perfectly with Ardurino Uno. Basically TFT is used to display readings with buttons setup. RF24l01 was used to fetch the data.

Now, I want to display the data I got from RF24 on TFT screen. In the hardware, I used pin 9,10, 11, 12, 13 for TFT, 10 is chip select pin. for RF, I chose pin 8 as chip select pin, and 11, 12 and 13 to share with TFT.

In the code, I basically set pin 10 High and pin 8 low first to read from RF. After it finished, I switched to pin 10 low and pin 8 high to display data on TFT.

The results is: when 11, 12 and 13 connected to both devices, Only TFT working but not display data. If I disconnected the pins 11, 12 and 13 from TFT, then RF working. I can read data and displayed on the serial port.

By the way, TFT is adafruit capacitive touch screen (has shield).

Since the code was long, I will post if necessary.


This Simple nRF24L01+ Tutorial may help with part of the project.

As you can see the nRF24L01+ has two pins CE and CSN and no pin called CS.

If you are using an Uno you must ensure that pin 10 is set for OUTPUT to ensure that the Uno acts as the SPI master.

As usual, you need to post your code so we can see what you can see.
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