Hello! I'm currently working on an Arduino project and I'm facing a specific issue. I'm trying to interface a pH sensor with my Arduino board to measure the acidity of a solution, but I'm having trouble getting accurate readings. The values I'm obtaining seem inconsistent and not in line with the actual pH levels of the solution. I've double-checked my wiring connections and ensured that the sensor is properly calibrated. Could anyone provide insights or suggestions on how to troubleshoot this issue and obtain accurate pH readings using an Arduino and a pH sensor? Your help and expertise would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!
Hi @genieeee,
you will quite likely get great support if you specific your application more precise:
- What controller do you use?
- What sensor?
- Schematic of the wiring
- Post your code (use the code tags!!!)
- Post some of the results you got
That will help other forum members to analyse hard- and software. Otherwise it will only be guesswork on a very weak basis.
Good luck!
Knowing absolutely nothing else other than how difficult it is to measure pH electronically, and the typical quality of arduino peripherals since they are usually trying to make them as cheaply as possible, my guess is that the sensor is crap.
Got a link to it?
@genieeee, I see you tried posting spam today. Akismet spotted your attempt.
I also see you were previously successful. Congratulations.
Why would you do that? Do you really have so much contempt for us? Is our time really only worth the 2¢ you're going to make from that spam? I'm hoping you are not the selfish oik I believe you to be. Please prove me wrong.
I would use pH strips and distilled water (it has a known pH) to verify the Arduino range is acceptable. Instructions with pH strips should direct you to take the sample from the middle of the container. A small pack can be obtained at your apothecary/drugstore. Maybe the Arduino is reading right?
Please don't feed the spammer.
You all look the same to me. Just a letter in a circle. Sometimes I can't tell the difference.
Maybe a new attempt by ChatGPT to gain knowledge from NI (Natural Intelligence)?
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